Aberystwyth Boy - Gwynn Davis
Aberystwyth Boy - Gwynn Davis
Casgliad o bedair ar ddeg o straeon byrion ysgafn a doniol, dwys a thrasig wedi eu hadrodd drwy lygaid llanc yn ei arddegau. Astudiaeth o gymeriad ac o berthynas pobl â'i gilydd, wedi ei seilio ar brofiadau'r awdur yn ei dref enedigol.
English Description: Aberystwyth Boy contains fourteen stories that range from the light and humorous to the sombre, even tragic. Seen through the eyes of an unsophisticated teenage boy who may not fully comprehend all that he observes, the stories are a study of character and relationships based on the author's own experiences.
ISBN: 9781788038119
Awdur/Author: Gwynn Davis
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Troubador Publishing Ltd
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2018-03-19
Tudalennau/Pages: 136
Iaith/Language: EN
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