About Wales Pocket Series: About Mid Wales - David Williams, Sian Lloyd
About Wales Pocket Series: About Mid Wales - David Williams, Sian Lloyd
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Arweinlyfr o safon yn y gyfres About Wales. Maen cynnig nodiadau ar dreftadaeth Cymru, diwylliant, a digwyddiadau; ceir ynddo wybodaeth a ffotograffau ar amgueddfeydd, orielau, cestyll, lleoedd hanesyddol, atyniadau, cerdd, a gwyliau llên. Ceir gwybodaeth cyswllt hefyd, mapiau manwl a chyngor ar ble i letya a bwyta.
English Description: A stylish illustrated guide in the About Wales series. Includes notes on Welsh heritage, culture and events, packed with information and photographs on museums, galleries, castles, historic sites, attractions, music and literature festivals. It also offers contact information, detailed maps, and advice on where to stay and eat.
ISBN: 9781905582051
Awdur/Author: David Williams, Sian Lloyd
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Graffeg
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 19/04/2007
Iaith/Language: EN
![Cyfres Boced Am Gymru: Am y Canolbarth - David Williams, Sian Lloyd - Siop y Pethe](https://siopypethe.cymru/cdn/shop/products/about-wales-pocket-series-about-mid-wales-david-williams-sian-lloyd-880372.jpg?v=1670298914&width=1445)
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