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Absolutely Huge - The Hilarious Biography of a Not-So-Real Welsh Rugby Legend - Luke Upton

Absolutely Huge - The Hilarious Biography of a Not-So-Real Welsh Rugby Legend - Luke Upton

pris rheolaidd £9.99
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Dynwarediad doniol o fywgraffiad ffug Gethin 'Huge' Hughes, chwaraewr rygbi Cymreig nad yw'n bod. Dyma olwg ddychanol ar rygbi Cymru, ar y maes ac oddi ar y maes, ac ar y cyhoeddusrwydd mawr i'r gamp ar y cyfryngau.

English Description: Absolutely Huge is a spoof biography of a fictional Welsh rugby player, Gethin 'Huge' Hughes. Mimicking the standard sports biography format, the book explores the highs and lows of his remarkable and often controversial career both on and off the pitch. An affectionate satire on Welsh rugby and the media hype that surrounds it.

ISBN: 9781912631018

Awdur/Author: Luke Upton

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Y Lolfa

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2018-09-19

Tudalennau/Pages: 176

Iaith/Language: EN

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