Afternoons go nowhere - Sheenagh Pugh
Afternoons go nowhere - Sheenagh Pugh
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Afternoons Go Nowhere is poet Sheenagh Pugh's tenth collection. An acute understanding of the human condition enlivens these poems: the foibles of historical kings, queens and commoners are exposed to her sharply scrutinising eye. There is a notable sequence of poems about Canadian provinces as well as work inspired by her home in Shetland.
Degfed casgliad o gerddi Sheenagh Pugh. Gwelir ynddo ddealltwriaeth craff o'r cyflwr dynol: caiff gwendidau brenhinoedd, brenhinesau a phobl gyffredin sylw manwl gan y bardd. Mae'r casgliad yn cynnwys dilyniant o gerddi nodedig am daleithiau yng Nghanada yn ogystal â gwaith wedi'i ysbrydoli gan ei chartref yn Shetland.
ISBN: 9781781724989 (1781724989)
Publication Date: 03 May 2019
Publisher: Seren
Format: Clawr Meddal, 216x138 mm, 72 pages
Language: English

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