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British History 1870 - 1918 - The Emergence of a Nation - Robert Johnson

British History 1870 - 1918 - The Emergence of a Nation - Robert Johnson

pris rheolaidd £9.99
pris rheolaidd pris gwerthu £9.99
Sêl Wedi Gwerthu Allan
Treth wedi'i chynnwys. Cludiant cyfrifir wrth y til.

Cyfrol sy'n cynnwys dadansoddiad cyflawn o wleidyddiaeth a gwleidyddion y cyfnod, a golwg ar brofiad enbyd y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf.

English Description: A comprehensive account of a period that shaped the British twentieth century, discussing the politics, and formidable politicians of the time, along with a clear analysis of a traumatic and revolutionary experience, the First World War.

ISBN: 9781842850268

Awdur/Author: Robert Johnson

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Hamilton-Vale Publishing

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2005-06-01

Tudalennau/Pages: 156

Iaith/Language: EN

Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X

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