CBAC Cymdeithaseg ar Gyfer UG - Janis Griffiths, John McIntosh
CBAC Cymdeithaseg ar Gyfer UG - Janis Griffiths, John McIntosh
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Llyfr cwrs gwerthfawr ar gyfer myfyrwyr Cymdeithaseg Uwch Gyfrannol, wedi'i gefnogi gan CBAC a'i ysgrifennu gan athrawon ac arholwyr Lefel A profiadol.
English Description: A valuable course book for students of AS Sociology through the medium of Welsh, endorsed by WJEC and written by experienced A Level teachers and examiners.
ISBN: 9781908682819.00
Awdur/Author: Janis Griffiths, John McIntosh
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Illuminate Publishing Ltd
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 13/02/2017
Tudalennau/Pages: 316
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
Tanysgrifiwch i'n e-byst
Byddwch y cyntaf i wybod am stoc newydd a chynigion unigryw.