Cyfres Bwrlwm: Arwyr a Dihirod - Alison Hawes
Cyfres Bwrlwm: Arwyr a Dihirod - Alison Hawes
Llyfr o ffeithiau diddorol am arwyr a dihirod go iawn yn ogystal â rhai ffuglen, o Alex Rider i Emmeline Pankhurst ac o Darth Vader i Al Capone, wedi ei ysgrifennu mewn modd syml a chyfeillgar ar gyfer darllenwyr anfoddog a disgyblion ag anghenion addysgu ychwanegol. Addasiad o un o lyfrau'r gyfres 'Download' a gyhoeddwyd gan Rising Stars UK - ar gyfer CA3/4.
English Description: The world is full of heroes and villains! Uncover the true stories behind the headlines - whose side are you on? This series of readers uses extreme sports, fast cars and popular culture as a theme to turn reluctant and less-able teenagers back to reading. A Welsh adaptation of Heroes and Villains in the 'Download' series, published by Rising Stars UK.
ISBN: 9781845213541
Awdur/Author: Alison Hawes
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: CAA Cymru
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2010-11-02
Tudalennau/Pages: 48
Iaith/Language: CY
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
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