Cyfres Deian a Loli: A'r Sêr Sy'n Cysgu
Cyfres Deian a Loli: A'r Sêr Sy'n Cysgu
ISBN: 9781784616472
Publication Date December 2018
Publisher: Y Lolfa, Tal-y-bont
Illustrated by Nest Llwyd Owen
Format: Clawr Meddal, 225x224 mm, 36 pages
Language: Welsh
Deian and Loli don't want to go to sleep and go to look for food in the kitchen. As they look through the window, they notice that there isn't a star in the sky. They travel in a spaceship to try and discover the stars. On the golden planet they meet Madam Zera who knows everything about stars.
Dyw Deian a Loli ddim eisiau cysgu felly maen nhw'n mynd i nôl bwyd o'r gegin. Wrth edrych drwy'r ffenest, dyma nhw'n sylwi nad oes yr un seren yn yr awyr. Maen nhw'n mynd mewn llong ofod i drio darganfod y sêr. Ar y blaned aur maen nhw'n dod ar draws Madam Zera sy'n gwybod popeth am sêr.
Tanysgrifiwch i'n e-byst
Byddwch y cyntaf i wybod am stoc newydd a chynigion unigryw.