Darganfod Tai Hanesyddol Eryri / Discovering the Historic Houses of Snowdonia - Richard Suggett, Margret Dunn
Darganfod Tai Hanesyddol Eryri / Discovering the Historic Houses of Snowdonia - Richard Suggett, Margret Dunn
Mae'r gyfrol hon yn cyflwyno canlyniadau prosiect llwyddiannus i ddarganfod dyddiad a chyd-destun cymdeithasol rhai o dai cynharaf Eryri. Mae'r prosiect partneriaeth rhwng y Grwp Dyddio Hen Dai Cymreig a'r Comisiwn wedi tynnu i mewn lawer o berchnogion tai a rhyw 200 o ardalwyr mewn ymarfer uchelgeisiol mewn archeoleg gymunedol.
English Description: This book presents the results of a successful project to establish the date and social context of some of the earliest houses in Snowdonia. This partnership project between the Dating Old Welsh Houses Group and the RCAHM involved many householders and about 200 local people in an ambitious exercise in community archaeology.
ISBN: 9781871184532
Awdur/Author: Richard Suggett, Margret Dunn
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2014-12-04
Tudalennau/Pages: 296
Iaith/Language: BI
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X
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