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Drawn from Wales - A School of Art in Swansea 1853-2003

Drawn from Wales - A School of Art in Swansea 1853-2003

pris rheolaidd £14.95
pris rheolaidd pris gwerthu £14.95
Sêl Wedi Gwerthu Allan
Treth wedi'i chynnwys. Cludiant cyfrifir wrth y til.

Dathliad darluniadol o 150 mlynedd Coleg Celf Abertawe, 1853-2003, yn cynnwys gwybodaeth am adrannau amrywiol ac am artistiaid a fu'n gweithio ac yn astudio yno, cyfweliadau gyda staff a myfyrwyr ddoe a heddiw, a detholiad o waith artistiaid cysylltiedig â'r coleg. 41 llun lliw a 31 llun du-a-gwyn.

English Description: An illustrated celebration of 150 years of the Swansea School of Art, 1853-2003, comprising information about various departments and about artists who worked and studied there, interviews with past and present staff and students and a selection of the work of various artists associated with the college. 41 colour and 31 black-and-white plates.

ISBN: 9781860570926

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Welsh Academic Press

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2003-08-18

Tudalennau/Pages: 128

Iaith/Language: EN

Argaeledd/Availability: Non-Stock Item - Ordered on request

Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X

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