Great Steam Trains: 5. Princess Royal & Coronation Scot - Tom Farris
Great Steam Trains: 5. Princess Royal & Coronation Scot - Tom Farris
Bu dadlau am flynyddoedd ynghylch pa fath o drenau y dylid eu defnyddio. Roedd rhai am barhau gyda'r trenau bychain, diflas, a fyddai angen cymorth i ddringo llethrau. Ond sylwodd eraill ar drenau pwerus a deniadol y 'Pacifics' o waith Nigel Gresley, a'u dymuniad oedd creu trenau tebyg. Ond doedd ganddyn nhw neb i'w cynllunio.
English Description: For years people argued over what sort of locomotives to use. There were some who wanted to carry on with small, boring locomotives that would need help for climbing hills. Then some who were looking at Nigel Gresley's powerful and attractive 'Pacifics' and thinking they should have the same. But they had no-one who could design one like it.
ISBN: 9781842855621
Awdur/Author: Tom Farris
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Hamilton-Vale Publishing
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2022-10-30
Tudalennau/Pages: 40
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Not yet published
Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X
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