Greatest Lions XV Ever, The
Greatest Lions XV Ever, The
ISBN: 9781785621376
Publication Date October 2016
Publisher: Gwasg Gomer, Llandysul
Format: Hardback, 256x216 mm, 152 pages
Language: English
Who are the fifteen best rugby players ever to have represented the Lions? Was Willie John McBride better than Martin Johnson? Was Barry John better than Johnny Wilkinson? Was anyone better than Gareth Edwards? As incisive and decisive as he was on the pitch, Jonathan Davies has the answer to all these questions and more.
Pwy yw'r pymtheg chwaraewr rygbi gorau a gynrychiolodd dîm y Llewod? Oedd Willie John McBride yn well na Martin Johnson? Oedd Barry John yn well na Johnny Wilkinson. Oedd unrhyw un yn well na Gareth Edwards? Yn y gyfrol hon mae Jonathan Davies yn datgelu ei farn bendant am chwaraewyr y Llewod.
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