Horrible Histories: Ruthless Romans - Terry Deary
Horrible Histories: Ruthless Romans - Terry Deary
Cyfrol o hanesion ofnadwy, ond difyr am y Rhufeiniaid didostur, o gyfnod yr efeilliaid a sefydlodd ddinas Rhufain hyd yr ymerawdwyr drwg yr oedd llofruddiaeth yn adloniant iddynt, a chroeshoelio yn gosb gyffredin i'w gweinyddu ar eu gwrthwynebwyr.
English Description: Ruthless Romans reveals the grim goings-on of the greatest empire ever, from the terrible twins who founded Rome to the evil emperors who made murder into a sport. Read on for gory details about the cruel Colosseum and the people and animals who were massacred there ... and find out how, if you upset them enough, the ruthless Romans would crucify you. Eeek!
ISBN: 9781407167022
Awdur/Author: Terry Deary
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Scholastic
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2016-10-03
Tudalennau/Pages: 144
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: X
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