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Immigration Handbook, The - Caroline Smith

Immigration Handbook, The - Caroline Smith

pris rheolaidd £9.99
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Casgliad o gerddi gan Caroline Smith a ysbrydolwyd gan ei phrofiad o weithio fel gweithiwr achos mewnfudiad.

English Description: Inspired by her years as an Immigration Caseworker to one of the most diverse inner-city areas in the UK, Caroline Smith has written a collection of poems that details the many troubling and moving incidents in the lives of those she tries to help. A book that reaches out of the headlines into the heart.

ISBN: 9781781723210

Awdur/Author: Caroline Smith

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Seren

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2016-07-08

Tudalennau/Pages: 72

Iaith/Language: EN

Argaeledd/Availability: Available

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