Independent Thinking on Primary Teaching: Practical Strategies for Working Smarter Not Harder - Mark Creasy
Independent Thinking on Primary Teaching: Practical Strategies for Working Smarter Not Harder - Mark Creasy
Cyfrol sy'n annog athrawon i gamu nôl am ychydig er mwyn ailedrych ar yr hyn a wnânt yn ddyddiol yn y dosbarth. Mae Mark Creasy, athro profiadol yn yr oed cynradd ac uwchradd, yn cynnig awgrymiadau sy'n cynorthwyo athrawon i gyflawni eu gwaith yn well trwy ddilyn dulliau mwy clyfar o ddysgu!
English Description: With rare experience in both primary and secondary phases and at leadership as well as classroom levels, Mark Creasy is ideally placed to comment on what works and what doesn't. In this book he encourages teachers to stop and consider the things they do daily in the classroom and presents a series of prompts, nudges and suggestions to help them achieve better by working smarter!
ISBN: 9781781354001
Awdur/Author: Mark Creasy
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Crown House Publishing
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2021-11-30
Tudalennau/Pages: 200
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: X
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