Moon Jellyfish Can Barely Swim - Ness Owen
Moon Jellyfish Can Barely Swim - Ness Owen
Mae ail gasgliad o gerddi Ness Owen wedi'i wreiddio yn ei chynefin ar Ynys Môn, gan archwilio amryfal bynciau megis teulu a gwleidyddiaeth, benyweidd-dra ac iaith. Yng nghanol trai a llanw bywyd ceir ganddi gerddi am ddrudwyod marw, etholiad, boddi pentref, coedwig wedi'i ffosileiddio a negeseuon mewn poteli wedi'u golchi ar y traeth.
English Description: Rooted in her island home, Ness Owen's second collection explores what it is to subsist with whatever the tides bring in poems that journey from family to politics, womanhood and language. In the ebb and flow of an ever-changing world, starlings fall from the sky, votes are cast, a village is drowned, a petrified forest is revealed and messages wash up in seaworn bottles on the shoreline.
ISBN: 9781913640972
Awdur/Author: Ness Owen
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Parthian Books
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2023-04-03
Tudalennau/Pages: 108
Iaith/Language: EN
Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X
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