National Trail Guide: Pembrokeshire Coast Path
National Trail Guide: Pembrokeshire Coast Path
ISBN: 9781845137823
Publication Date August 2012
Publisher: Aurum Press, London
Format: Clawr Meddal, 210x130 mm, 156 pages
Language: English
The Pembrokeshire Coast Path is one of the most popular of the 15 National Trails in England and Wales. Running for 186 miles, it follows the spectacular coast of the Pembrokeshire National Park from St Dogmaels on the peninsula's northern coast, via the lovely towns of St David's and Tenby, and the dramatic natural harbour of Milford Haven, to Amroth on the south coast.
Argraffiad diwygiedig o arweinlyfr darluniadol lliw gwerthfawr a defnyddiol i 186 milltir o Lwybr Arfordir Sir Benfro, yn cynnwys cyfarwyddiadau a mapiau clir o'r llwybr ar ei hyd, gyda gwybodaeth ddiddorol am hanes lleol, bywyd gwyllt, mannau o ddiddordeb lleol, cludiant a llety.
Tanysgrifiwch i'n e-byst
Byddwch y cyntaf i wybod am stoc newydd a chynigion unigryw.