Oakwood Library of Railway History:71. Elan Valley Railway, The - The Railway of the Birmingham Corporation Waterworks - Colin Judge
Oakwood Library of Railway History:71. Elan Valley Railway, The - The Railway of the Birmingham Corporation Waterworks - Colin Judge
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Pris yr uned
Disgrifiad manwl o amryfal agweddau yn ymwneud âr rheilffordd a ddarparwyd gan Gorfforaeth Birmingham i hwylusor gwaith o godi argaeau Cwm Elan ar droad y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg. Ffotograffau, diagramau a mapiau du-a-gwyn.
English Description: A detailed account of the construction, running stock and operation of the railway line constructed by Birmingham Corporation to facilitate the building of the Elan Valley dams at the end of the nineteenth century. Black-and-white photographs, diagrams and maps.
ISBN: 9780853615170
Awdur/Author: Colin Judge
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Oakwood Press
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 01/06/1997
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
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