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Park Life - Four Seasons in the Rhondda Sunday League - Peter Roberts

Park Life - Four Seasons in the Rhondda Sunday League - Peter Roberts

pris rheolaidd £7.99
pris rheolaidd pris gwerthu £7.99
Sêl Wedi Gwerthu Allan
Treth wedi'i chynnwys. Cludiant cyfrifir wrth y til.

Golwg ddoniol a threiddgar ar fyd cynghreiriau pêl-droed y Sul, lle mae'n rhaid i chi dalu i chwarae! Mae'r gyfrol hon yn cofnodi straeon am bedwar tymor llawn digwyddiadau yn hanes Clwb Pêl-droed Ceidwadwyr Maindy wrth iddynt ymgiprys am lwyddiant yng Nghynghrair Sul Cwm Rhondda a'r Cylch.

English Description: A revealing and humorous insight into the world of Sunday League football, where you have to pay to play: truly a million miles away from the Premier League. The book recounts the story of four eventful seasons for the Maindy Conservative Football Club as they ply their trade in the Rhondda Valley & District Sunday League in South Wales.

ISBN: 9781784618100

Awdur/Author: Peter Roberts

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Y Lolfa

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2019-10-31

Tudalennau/Pages: 124

Iaith/Language: EN

Argaeledd/Availability: Available

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