Proud - My Autobiography - Gareth Thomas
Proud - My Autobiography - Gareth Thomas
Methu llwytho argaeledd pickup
Stori Gareth Thomas, chwaraewr rygbi chwedlonol oedd yn cuddio cyfrinach ei rywioldeb - cyfrinach oedd yn bygwth dinistrio ei fywyd ei hun, ynghyd â bywydau ei wraig a'i deulu, ei ffrindiau a'i gyd-chwaraewyr. Nid oedd modd iddo ragweld beth fyddai canlyniadau datgelu ei gyfrinach. 28 ffotograff.
English Description: This is the story of Gareth Thomas, a sporting legend and national hero with a secret that was slowly killing him - something that might devastate not only his own life but those of his wife, family, friends and team mates. He couldn't know what the consequences would be when the truth came out. 28 photographs.
ISBN: 9780091958343
Awdur/Author: Gareth Thomas
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Ebury Press
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2015-06-10
Tudalennau/Pages: 320
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Reprinting
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