Research Papers of the Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies:1. 'Where is Mrs. Jones Going?' - Women and the Second World War in Wales - Mari A. Williams
Research Papers of the Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies:1. 'Where is Mrs. Jones Going?' - Women and the Second World War in Wales - Mari A. Williams
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ISBN: 9780947531195
Awdur/Author: Mari A. Williams
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Canolfan Uwchefrydiau Cymreig a Cheltaidd Prifysgol Cymru
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 1995-01-01
Tudalennau/Pages: 21
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Non-Stock Item - Ordered on request
Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X
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