Stephen Jones - A Thinking Man's Game, My Story - Stephen Jones, Simon Roberts
Stephen Jones - A Thinking Man's Game, My Story - Stephen Jones, Simon Roberts
Oddi ar ei ymddangosiad cyntaf ar y cae rygbi cenedlaethol yn 1998, mae Stephen Jones wedi tyfu i fod yn un o gewri byd rygbi Cymru. Yn ei hunangofiant, mae'n dadlennu'r penderfyniad a'r serch angerddol sydd ganddo at y gêm wedi'i alluogi i oresgyn sawl ergyd, a bellach fe'i ystyrir yn un o chwaraewyr mwyaf poblogaidd ac uchaf ei barch. Fersiwn clawr caled: ISBN 9781845965136.
English Description: Since making his national debut in 1998, Stephen Jones has emerged from the shadows of the true greats of Welsh rugby. In his autobiography, he reveals how his steely resolve, determination and sheer passion for rugby have allowed him bounce back from setbacks to become one of the most popular and respected figures in the game today. Hardback version also available: 9781845965136.
ISBN: 9781845966942
Awdur/Author: Stephen Jones, Simon Roberts
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Mainstream Publishing
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2010-10-11
Tudalennau/Pages: 224
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
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