Stone Keeper and the Whisper Horses - The Adventures of Gracie Stirling - Jenny Kling Bakker
Stone Keeper and the Whisper Horses - The Adventures of Gracie Stirling - Jenny Kling Bakker
Llundain, 1998. Yn unig a heb yr un ffrind, mae Gracie Stirling yn derbyn loced gan ei mamgu, sydd a'r gallu i ddod â cherfluniau - rhai da a rhai drwg - yn fyw. Mae'n darganfod ffrind newydd, Samuel, sy'n gerflun o geffyl, ond mae hi hefyd yn darganfod mai'r her bennaf iddi yw achub y ddynoliaeth rhag y pwerau tywyll fu'n ddigyfnewid ers canrifoedd.
English Description: London, 1998. Lonely and friendless, Gracie Stirling receives a locket from her grandmother which has the power to bring statues, both good and bad, alive. She finds a friend in playful horse statue, Samuel, but also discovers that her ultimate challenge is to save the human world from the evil that has been set in stone for hundreds of years.
ISBN: 9781785623240
Awdur/Author: Jenny Kling Bakker
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Gomer@Lolfa
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2020-06-19
Tudalennau/Pages: 88
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: X
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