Studies in Welsh History:16. Immigration and Integration - The Irish in Wales 1798-1922 - Paul OLeary
Studies in Welsh History:16. Immigration and Integration - The Irish in Wales 1798-1922 - Paul OLeary
Astudiaeth ysgolheigaidd o fewnfudwyr Gwyddelig au disgynyddion yng Nghymru, 1798-1922, sef fersiwn diwygiedig o draethawd ymchwil yr awdur, gan dynnu sylwn benodol at ffactorau economaidd a barodd y mewnfudo, ac at gyfraniad sylweddol y cymunedau Gwyddelig i strwythur gwleidyddol a diwydiannol, crefyddol a chymdeithasol Cymru. 2 fap.
English Description: A scholarly study of Irish immigrants and their descendants in Wales, 1798-1922, being a revised version of the authors PhD thesis making particular reference to the economic conditions that caused the immigration, and the significant contribution of the Irish communities to the political and industrial, religious and social structure of Wales. 2 maps.
ISBN: 9780708315842
Awdur/Author: Paul OLeary
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru / University of Wales Press
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 17/02/2000
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Reprinting
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