That Would Be Telyn - Walking the Pembrokeshire Coast with My Harp - Delyth Jenkins
That Would Be Telyn - Walking the Pembrokeshire Coast with My Harp - Delyth Jenkins
Yn ystod haf 2012, cerddodd Delyth Jenkins ar hyd Llwybr Arfordir Sir Benfro yn ei gyfanrwydd, sef 186 milltir. Cariodd ei thelyn fechan ar ei chefn, gan gynnal perfformiadau byrfyfyr ar y llwybr. Mae'r gyfrol hon yn gofnod o'i hanturiaethau ac o'r bobl y cyfarfu â hwy ar y ffordd.
English Description: In the summer of 2012 Delyth Jenkins walked the 186 miles of the Pembrokeshire Coast Path. She carried a small harp with her, giving a series of impromptu path-side concerts. Structured around the 17 days of the walk, this book is an account of her adventures and the people she met and played for along the way.
ISBN: 9781784616724
Awdur/Author: Delyth Jenkins
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Y Lolfa
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2019-03-20
Tudalennau/Pages: 144
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
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