Wings Across the Border - A History of Aviation in North Wales and the Northern Marches: Volume III - Derrick Pratt, Mike Grant
Wings Across the Border - A History of Aviation in North Wales and the Northern Marches: Volume III - Derrick Pratt, Mike Grant
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Trydedd gyfrol ddarluniadol llawn gwybodaeth yn adrodd hanes hedfan yng ngogledd Cymru a siroedd y Gororau, yn cynnwys manylion am awyrennau a pheilotiaid a nifer o ddamweiniau awyr.
English Description: The third volume of a highly informative illustrated account of the history of aviation in north Wales and the border counties, comprising details of aircraft and pilots and numerous air accidents.
ISBN: 9781844940103
Awdur/Author: Derrick Pratt, Mike Grant
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Bridge Books
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2005-11-09
Tudalennau/Pages: 200
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Non-Stock Item - Ordered on request
Cyfnod Allweddol/Key Stage: X
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Byddwch y cyntaf i wybod am stoc newydd a chynigion unigryw.