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Architecture and Infrastructure of Britain's Railways, The - West Midlands, Wales and the West - Patrick Bennett

Architecture and Infrastructure of Britain's Railways, The - West Midlands, Wales and the West - Patrick Bennett

pris rheolaidd £14.99
pris rheolaidd pris gwerthu £14.99
Sêl Wedi Gwerthu Allan
Treth wedi'i chynnwys. Cludiant cyfrifir wrth y til.

Cyfrol sy'n cynnig mewnwelediad i bensaernïaeth ac isadeiledd rheilffyrdd Cymru, gorllewin a gorllewin canolbarth Lloegr, gan fanylu ar orsafoedd, siediau nwyddau, storfeydd, bocsys signal a llawer mwy. Bydd y gyfrol, sy'n cynnwys ffotograffau sydd heb eu cyhoeddi hyd yma, yn sicir o apelio at fodelwyr a selogion rheilffyrdd fel ei gilydd. Lluniau lliw llawn.

English Description: Patrick Bennett offers a fascinating insight into the architecture and infrastructure of the West Midlands, Wales and the west of England's railways, covering stations, goods sheds, depots, signal boxes and much more. With previously unpublished photographs throughout, this book is perfect for modellers and the general railway enthusiast. Fully colour illustrated.

ISBN: 9781445681535

Awdur/Author: Patrick Bennett

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Amberley Publishing

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2019-10-30

Tudalennau/Pages: 96

Iaith/Language: EN

Edrychwch ar y manylion llawn