Beibl.Net - 365 o Storïau o'r Beibl
Beibl.Net - 365 o Storïau o'r Beibl
ISBN: 9781859947999 (1859947999)
Publication Date October 2016
Publisher: Cyhoeddiadau'r Gair, Chwilog
Edited by Aled Davies
Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali
Suitable for age 7-9+ or Key Stage 2/3
Format: Hardback, 246x172 mm, 450 pages
Language: Welsh
This is the ideal Bible to help older children cross the bridge from a colour story Bible to a full Bible. It's colorful, attractive, and introduces the main Bible stories and themes in 365 brief readings. The text comes from the website, and there are full biblical references next to each story. Suitable for schools and Sunday School, and as a Bible to read at home.
365 o storïau o'r Beibl. Dyma'r Beibl delfrydol i helpu ieuenctid i groesi'r bont o Feibl lliw i'r Beibl llawn. Cyfrol liwgar sy'n cyflwyno prif hanesion a themâu'r Beibl mewn 365 o storïau cryno. Daw'r testun o wefan, ac mae cyfeiriadau Beiblaidd llawn wrth ymyl pob stori. Addas ar gyfer ysgolion a'r Ysgol Sul, ac fel Beibl i'w ddarllen yn y cartref.
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