Cyfres Merched Cymru: 3. Mari Jones - Beibl o'r Diwedd!
Cyfres Merched Cymru: 3. Mari Jones - Beibl o'r Diwedd!
ISBN: 9781845272777
Publication Date February 2011
Publisher: Gwasg Carreg Gwalch, Llanrwst
Suitable for age 9-11 or Key Stage 2
Format: Hardback, 195x130 mm, 32 pages
Language: Welsh
Mary Jones was almost ten years old, and she was very happy because she had just learned to read the Bible. 'I am going to buy a Bible for myself,' she told her mother. But Mary and her mother were poor, and it would be very difficult to save the money. Mary heard that there was one in Bala, and walked barefoot over the mountains - 25 miles - and she got her Bible.
Deg oed oedd Mari Jones, ac roedd hi wrth ei bodd gan ei bod hi newydd ddysgu darllen y Beibl. 'Dwi'n mynd i brynu Beibl,' meddai wrth ei mam. Ond roedd Mari a'i mam yn dlawd, a gwaith anodd oedd casglu'r pres. Cerddodd Mari Jones yn droednoeth bob cam o Lanfihangel-y-Pennant i'r Bala i brynu ei Beibl. 25 milltir oedd hyd y daith, ond mae stori Mari wedi teithio ledled y byd.
Tanysgrifiwch i'n e-byst
Byddwch y cyntaf i wybod am stoc newydd a chynigion unigryw.