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Great Gardens of Wales, The - Tony Russell

Great Gardens of Wales, The - Tony Russell

pris rheolaidd £15.99
pris rheolaidd pris gwerthu £15.99
Sêl Wedi Gwerthu Allan
Treth wedi'i chynnwys. Cludiant cyfrifir wrth y til.

Dathliad ysbrydoledig o erddi gorau Cymru, o eiconau cenedlaethol megis gerddi Bodnant, Castell Powis a Gardd Fotaneg Genedlaethol Cymru, i emau llai cyfarwydd megis Dyffryn Fernant, Plas Cadnant a Gardd Y Fedw. Yn y gyfrol hon cewch fwynhau crwydro o gwmpas hanner cant o erddi amrywiol, a hynny o'ch cadair freichiau!

English Description: The Great Gardens of Wales is an inspirational celebration of Wales’ finest gardens, ranging from national icons such as Bodnant, Powis Castle and the National Botanic Garden of Wales, to lesser known gems including Dyffryn Fernant, Plas Cadnant and Veddw House Garden. In all there are 50 gardens to enjoy within this book.

ISBN: 9781838136406

Awdur/Author: Tony Russell

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Destination UK Ltd

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2020-10-06

Tudalennau/Pages: 160

Iaith/Language: EN

Argaeledd/Availability: Available

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