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Mimosa - The Life and Times of the Ship That Sailed to Patagonia

Mimosa - The Life and Times of the Ship That Sailed to Patagonia

pris rheolaidd £9.95
pris rheolaidd pris gwerthu £9.95
Sêl Wedi Gwerthu Allan
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A factual history of the Mimosa, the ship that carried Welsh settlers to Patagonia. We hear of her builders and owners, her time as a tea-carrying clipper before the historic voyage across the Atlantic ocean, ending her days on the coast of West Africa. First published in 2007, this new edition is published to celebrate 150 years since the voyage to Patagonia.

Hanes ffeithiol am y Mimosa, y llong a gariodd yr ymfudwyr Cymreig i Batagonia. Cofnodir ei hadeiladwyr a'i pherchnogion, ei hamser yn cludo te cyn y fordaith hanesyddol ar draws cefnfor yr Atlantig, a diwedd ei hoes yn hwylio ar hyd arfordir gorllewin yr Affrig. Argraffiad newydd i ddathlu canmlwyddiant a hanner y fordaith i Batagonia.
Edrychwch ar y manylion llawn