Peppa Pinc: Ffrindiau Gorau
Peppa Pinc: Ffrindiau Gorau
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Lift the flaps to meet Peppa and her family's favourite friends and discover something that's even better than best friends! Based on S4C's popular TV series, this book is suitable for young children.
Mae ffrindiau gorau yn well na phyllau mwdlyd! Codwch y fflapiau y tu mewn er mwyn darganfod pwy ydy ffrindiau gorau Peppa a'i theulu.
ISBN: 9781849670173 (184967017X)
Publication Date: 25 August 2017
Publisher: RilyAdapted/Translated by Owain Sion.
Format: Hardback, 217x217 mm, 10 pagesLanguage: Welsh

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Byddwch y cyntaf i wybod am stoc newydd a chynigion unigryw.