Testing Times - Success, Failure and Fiasco in Education Policy in Wales Since Devolution
Testing Times - Success, Failure and Fiasco in Education Policy in Wales Since Devolution
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The Welsh Government's Department of Education was famously called 'dysfunctional', by its own Minister. In Testing Times, a forensic and devastating critique of the Welsh Government's strategies and initiatives since devolution, the respected educationalist Philip Dixon argues that this is still the case.
Mae cyfrol Philip Dixon Testing Times yn cynnig beirniadaeth lem o strategaethau a mentergarwch Adran Addysg Llywodraeth Cymru ers dechrau cyfnod datganoli.
Mae cyfrol Philip Dixon Testing Times yn cynnig beirniadaeth lem o strategaethau a mentergarwch Adran Addysg Llywodraeth Cymru ers dechrau cyfnod datganoli.
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