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Three Lives of Dylan Thomas, The - Hilly Janes

Three Lives of Dylan Thomas, The - Hilly Janes

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Yn y gyfrol hon, mae Hilly Janes yn archwilio bywyd a gwaddol anghyffredin y bardd Dylan Thomas, drwy lygaid ei thad, yr artist Alfred Janes ac aelod o gylch mewnol Dylan Thomas. Paentiodd y bardd deirgwaith, ar adegau allweddol yn ei fywyd: 1934, 1953 ac wedi ei farwolaeth yn 1964, a'i bortreadau ef sydd wrth galon gwaith Hilly Janes.

English Description: In The Three Lives of Dylan Thomas, journalist Hilly Janes explores the poet's life and extraordinary legacy through the eyes of her father, the artist Alfred Janes. A member of Thomas's inner circle, he painted the poet at three key moments: in 1934, 1953 and, posthumously in 1964, portraits which are at the heart of Janes' work.

ISBN: 9781912109814

Awdur/Author: Hilly Janes

Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Parthian Books

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2018-03-29

Tudalennau/Pages: 268

Iaith/Language: EN

Argaeledd/Availability: Available

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