Trosiadau / Translations: Gwaliadir / Walesland - Nigel Wells, Caryl Lewis
Trosiadau / Translations: Gwaliadir / Walesland - Nigel Wells, Caryl Lewis
Hanes ffwrdd-â-hi, yn cyflwyno techneg anghyffredin o olrhain hanes Cymreictod drwy fydr ac odl, gan Sais sydd wedi symud i Gymru. Cynhwysir cyfieithiad Cymraeg ochr-wrth-ochr gan yr awdur nodedig Caryl Lewis, sy'n ychwanegu dimensiwn gwahanol at y deunydd.
English Description: A street-history, introducing the fascinating and unusual concept of tracing the history of Welshness through the medium of poetry, by an Englishman who has moved to Wales. Includes side-by-side translations into Welsh by prize-winning author Caryl Lewis, who gives an extra dimension to the material.
ISBN: 9781843236689
Awdur/Author: Nigel Wells, Caryl Lewis
Cyhoeddwr/Publisher: Gomer@Lolfa
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi/Publication Date: 2006-03-28
Tudalennau/Pages: 0
Iaith/Language: EN
Argaeledd/Availability: Available
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